Miyagi was known in Okinawa as “Bushi Miyagusuku” (“The Honorable Warrior Miyagi”). Possessor of enormous physical strength, he was known for his power and moving movements and extraordinary kata, achieved by his great dedication to martial art training. However, Miyagi's gentle manner was one of his traits. Despite the stories that may be told, Miyagi never fought, keeping a promise to his teacher that he would not use martial arts to hurt another human.
At the age of eleven he began training under the guidance of master Aragaki Ryuko. This early instruction consisted primarily of exercises designed to develop the body. From this strong foundation, Miyagi later transported the principles of strength development into his own teachings.
One of Sensei Miyagi's great achievements was to fight for Karate Do to be accepted as an indigenous Martial Art of Okinawa before the Butokukai (Martial Association) of Japan, a goal that with his efforts was successful after 1936.
With the influence of Miyagi, Goju-Ryu karate became an educational subject that could be taught in schools. The creation of new katas made the art more understandable to the public. Miyagi thus became one of the pioneers who brought karate from its exclusive practice among Okinawans to relative global acceptance.
Devoting his life to the promotion of martial arts, Miyagi made more than ten trips to China and more than seven to the Japanese mainland, also visiting Hawaii and Korea.
Like other karate masters, Miyagi carried out pedagogical exchanges with sensei Jigoro Kano, founder of Judo.
In 1901, at the age of 14, Miyagi was admitted by Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1916), the master of Naha-Te, to the martial art discipline. Miyagi studied with Higaonna for fifteen years, thus becoming the successor of the art, forming and spreading Goju-Ryu karate.
Under Higaonna's instruction, a student would concentrate on only one kata for several years, thus generally becoming highly skilled in the pre-established movements. The training was extremely hard, with a concentration on the Sanchin ("three battles") kata, which is a form of breathing that involves dynamic tension. Miyagi was one of the few who remained a Higaonna student, despite the rigors of a demanding schedule.
Miyagi's bond with his teacher was close, as his financial wealth allowed him to host Higaonna and pay for her tuition. Since he remained in the constant company of Higaonna, he could learn all of the Naha-Te kata.
The young Miyagi was fascinated with the practice of Sensei Higaonna's Karate Do, studying and practicing it with discipline and dedication, becoming an internal student (Uchi Deshi) of Sensei Higaonna.
Sensei Chojun Miyagi also travels to China in search of the trace of the Martial Art that his teacher Higaonna taught him, practices and gives great importance to breathing techniques while he remained in China.
Sensei Miyagi is responsible for the creation of the Katas Gekidai Daichi, Gekisai Daini, and his great work Tencho.
In 1929 He baptized his style of Karate with the name Goju Ryu after an exhibition carried out by one of his best students, Jinan Shinzato, in Japan in a celebration of Hirohito's coronation.
He was born in Naha (Okinawa) on July 5, 1922. He started karate with his father, meeting Miyagi Sensei in 1938, becoming his disciple and with whom he remained faithful to his discipline until his death. In 1946, Miyazato Sensei became Chief Police Officer, thanks to the recommendation of his Master, where he was an Assistant Karate Instructor, along with his Master in said body.
After Miyagi Sensei's death, he continued teaching classes in the garden of his Miyazato sensei home, just as he continued in the same way at the Police Academy, where he helped Chojun Miyagi sensei teach his classes.
Then the following year, in April 1954, there was a meeting of all of Chojun sensei's former students (Okinawa Goju-Kai) and he was named and recognized by everyone as Chojun Miyagi's successor and with the approval of his family.
After leaving Miyagi's garden, Master Miyazato opened his DOJO in Naha, the current Jundokan (Temple of the Faithful Way), in reference to loyalty to his Master, headquarters of the Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Kyokai Association, with the in charge of the dissemination and expansion of the Goju-Ryu style worldwide. Sensei Miyazato has preserved the traditions and heritage of Chojun Miyagi throughout his life. In 1972, he retired from his duties in the Police, dedicating himself exclusively to teaching karate.
Sensei Miyazato, until his death, was President of the Okinawa Goju-Ryu karate do Kyokai, President of the Okinawa Karate Federation and Vice President of the Okinawa Judo Federation, a discipline that he also practiced for many years. The day before his death he was awarded the degree of 8th Dan of Judo by the KODOKAN. During his life Sensei Miyazato has taught more than fifteen thousand students since 1953.